
    Supporter newsletter December 2019

    Reducing the harm from smoking

    ATHRA supporter newsletter

    December 2019

    As you know, vaping in Australia is under increasing threat. State governments are cracking down on retail shops and medical authorities are increasing the anti-vaping rhetoric.

    Northern Territory BANS all vaping

    The Northern Territory Minister for Health has ruled that all nicotine vaping is a criminal offence, whether the user has a nicotine prescription or not. All  Territory vapers are now at risk of a $15,400 fine or 12 months in jail.

    ATHRA believes that the Territory government is misinterpreting the law, possibly wilfully. The Minister has refused to back down after repeated correspondence from ATHRA.

    It is important to challenge the overreach of governments in preventing adults from using safer alternatives to smoking and ATHRA is now planning a legal challenge. If one state/territory gets away with this, others will follow.

    We need your support to fund this process. Initially we will get formal legal advice and follow up with a legal challenge. Please consider making a donation to our campaign. Donations of any size are welcome and donations over $2 are tax-deductible. Donations can be made here.

    Read more here.

    Launch of the Australian Retail Vaping Industry Association

    ATHRA was present at the launch of ARVIA in Canberra this week. ARVIA  will support Australia’s vape shops which are the modern-day smoking clinics. Vape shops provide a valuable public health service at no cost to the government and have the full support of ATHRA. ARVIA has the potential to make a good retail sector even better and in the process it will save thousands of lives.

    Read more here.

    Misinformation from the government on vaping

    The Chief Medical Officer of Australia issued a misleading statement on the safety of nicotine vaping, linking it to the recent deaths and lung injuries in the US caused by blackmarket THC (cannabis) oils. This information has also been posted on state government websites.

    Smokers deserve accurate information from health authorities to make their own choices. This scaremongering needs to be called out.

    ATHRA has written to the Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Health Officers in each state asking for the misinformation to be corrected.

    Read more here.

    The Australian federal and state health ministers have also shown their intention to continue to persecute vaping, at the recent Council of Australian Governments (COAG) meeting.

    Read ATHRA's response here.

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    ATHRA to challenge Northern Territory ban on vaping nicotine

    All vapers using nicotine in the Northern Territory (even with a prescription) are committing a criminal offence with penalties up to $15,400 or 12 months in prison, according to the NT Minister of Health Natasha Fyles. ATHRA is seeking your support to get legal advice...

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    ATHRA supports the establishment of new vape shop organisation

    ATHRA welcomes the launch today of the Australian Retail Vaping Industry Association (ARVIA) which will support Australia’s vape shops. Vape shops are the modern-day smoking clinics which provide a valuable public health service at no cost to the government. There are currently up to 200...

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    Public health experts slam Government advice on vaping

    Doctors and public health experts are demanding the Federal Government overhaul its advice on vaping nicotine, accusing it of “scaremongering” and forcing people back to cigarettes. By Annika Smethurst, National Political Editor, The Sunday Telegraph, 17 November 2019. Available online here. Doctors and tobacco experts...

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    Australian Health Ministers misinformed on vaping nicotine

    The Australian federal and state health ministers have shown their intention to continue to persecute vaping, at this week's Council of Australian Governments (COAG) meeting. This is an ominous sign for Australian vapers. The COAG Health Council released a Communique stating: "Ministers expressed deep concern...

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